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88th Regular and 87th Regular Special Session Testimonies and Press Releases


SB 51 Hughes Vaccine.jpg


SB 26 -Kolkhorst / mental health

SB 26 - Kolkhorst:  Please amend Sec. 535.004.  USE OF GRANT MONEY.
A grant recipient may use: grant money awarded under this chapter to develop innovative strategies that provide:

Please call and mail the office of Senate Health and Human Services chair Lois Kolkhorst main office 512-463-0018 / and the HHS Committee Clerk at 512-463-0360 /


Ask to Please amend SB 26 to include:

5. Evaluation, testing, and treatment of physical root causes that can manifest as psychiatric dysfunction.

87th Special Session

March 10, 2021 -  5:03:36 - Death by Government policies - notice of the content of virus spike protein-containing HIV, PRRA, and prion-like structures.


March 31. 2021 - 2:29:13  WARNING of components contained in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein - HIV/ PRRA found in rabies virus and cobra toxin and prion-like structures.

October 14, 2021 - SB 51 - Hughes - Vaccine Mandate Exemptions

Dr. Sheila Page - Association of American Physicians and Surgeons                     

Greg Porter - Self 

Lauren Davis - Self-mask mandates - school put kids in a box

Craig Weisman - Self

Dr. Clayton Young - Self

Dawn Richardson - National Vaccine Information Center

Jackie Schlegel - Texans for Vaccine Choice 

Sheila Hemphill - Texas Right To Know

Donna Stallone - Self

Tom Glass - Texas Constitutional Enforcement

March 31.jpg
April 14 testimony.jpg
SB25 hearing.jpg


For our Texas elected officials (Governor, Senate Health and Human Services (HHS) and House Public Health Committees) to direct the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to produce public health education regarding warning signs and symptoms of illnesses associated with SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and associated COVID-19 diagnosis and/or COVID-19 vaccines including:

  1. clotting and/or low platelet blood issues,

  2. brain inflammation that exhibits as neuro-psychosis,

and suspension of the COVID-19 vaccination program until the prion-like structure reported to be contained in the virus spike protein architecture is determined to not be detrimental to health.

An investigation into the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and punishment to guilty parties.

After weeks of testimony before the Texas Senate HHS Committee,
"No comment - No Inquiry" regarding multiple warnings

that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein contains sequences such as HIV, PPRA (found in rabies virus and cobra toxin) and prion-like structures (creates untreatable prions causing CJD aka "Mad Cow Disease") which infect people from person-to-person or vaccine exposure. 
Multiple reports of neuro-psychosis diagnosis after bout with COVID-19 or from COVID-19 vaccines. 

See 4/6/21 email and documents sent to
Texas Senate HHS Committee office.
See 1st testimony Warning -March 10th.


See May 6th Passionate Testimonies at the 
Senate State Affairs Committee  on
SB 1669 by Senator Hall.  


Senate Committee on State Affairs (Part I) 47 minutes

Outstanding introduction by Senator Hall 0:00:00 - 00:08:17


Dr. Richard Bartlett, MD Midland / Lubbock,  TX  00:08:20
      Focus: Budesonide / No COVID patients in ER but COVID injection injury

Dr. Ben Edwards, MD Lubbock, TX Treatment Options 00:16:58

      Focus: Benefits of innate immune system

Dr. Amy Offutt, MD Marble Falls, TX 00:25:15

      Focus:  Reviews vaccine insert info
                   Stats on her patient data showing efficacy of therapeutics

Dr. Angelina Farello, MD Webster, TX 00:37:10

Senate Committee on State Affairs (Part II) 04:30:30



  • Jackie Schlegel, Texans for Vaccine Choice, Austin, TX 00:09:47

  • Dawn Richardson, National Vaccine Information Center, Austin 00:29:08

  • Sheila Hemphill, Texas Right To Know, Brady, TX  03:37:35 -

links to: 

In the 2011 Supreme Court case of Bruesewitz vs Wyeth, LLC, the ruling stated that “vaccines are unavoidable unsafe.” Statements made to this committee that vaccines are safe are contrary to this Supreme Court ruling and may be in breach of the affidavit witnesses affirm to testify before any Senate or House Committee.  

Any physician making claims of "Safety and Efficacy" for a non-approved FDA product may be reported to the Texas Medical Board for false, misleading and deceptive advertising. 


Vaccine manufacturers are using social media to advertise because the vaccines are not FDA approved.  Only FDA products can make claims of safety and efficacy.

Any individuals making claims of "Safety and Efficacy" may be reported for a violation to the Federal Trade Commission.

"It is unlawful under the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 41 et seq., to advertise that a product can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made."

Rick Hamilton 03:53:10 - speaking on behalf of the hearing impaired and the devastating effects of the mask causing inability to communicate and "extreme isolation".

Dr. Sheila Page, MD 03:59:24 - detail of laws and treaties that forced vaccinations would violate, that these "vaccine" technologies ire gene manipulation, etc.


  • Texas Medical Association Representative 

  • Catholic Conference of Bishops

Many more - please email name and entity 

May 5th - Sheila Hemphill Senate Health and Human Resources Committee

  • HB 135 - CPS recording - 01:39:25

  • HB 1616 - Interstate Physician Compact - 01:42:33

Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee:

Click below to view testimonies by Sheila Hemphill.

April 21, 2021

  1. Minute Marker 00:03:20 SB 1489 Hall Dr. Donald Murphy / Dell Children's hospital - against use of therapeutics for COVID - must see Senator Hall comments at end.

  2. Minute Marker 00:24:15 SB 1489 Hall  Sheila Hemphill Lancet Retraction of Hydroxychloroquine,  Oxford study of BudesonideDeath by Government Policy, 21 USC 360bbb 3 Authorization for Medical Products for Use in Emergencies, 

    Emergency Use Authorization Criteria from page 3.

    "There is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition."

    Governor Abbott - Call foran investigation into the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

  3. Minute Marker 00:27:48 SB 961 Hughes - TMB - allow legislators to receive complaint detail from TMB - Dr. Robert Van Boven follows

  4. Minute Marker 00:51:12 SB 1820 Bettencourt  Off-label promotion by pharmaceutical companies.  Language in the bill would restrict physician's ability to communicate a drug as dictated by the pharmaceutical manufacturer and vagueness of "medically truthful" from an industry with history of fines for fraudulent marketing practices.  

    "Many therapeutics are showing beneficial ... ozone ..."


(b)  A physician or health care provider may communicate or

 otherwise promote to a patient an off-label use of a drug,

 biological product, or device consistent with the off-label use

 promoted for that drug, product, or device, as applicable, by a  pharmaceutical manufacturer under Subsection (a).

NIH COVID Treatment guidelines

The Texas Medical Association (TMA) is supporting this NIH policy.

Citations from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding claims of efficacy for any treatment of COVID

US Department of Justice (DOJ) -  issue injunctions to halt services 


   5.  Minute Marker 02:07:39 SB 2195 Kolkhorst  Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) - Example of benefits of functional medicine for "Clayton" - Seen by 5 specialist, had 11 diagnosis and on 8 medications - handwriting in chaos - 2 months of address physical root causes of food allergies, fungus, lead toxicity and nutritional deficiencies - hand writing neat and orderly.  ​


April 14, 2021

  1. Minute Marker 03:49:20 Dawn Richardson with NVIC 

  2. Minute Marker 03:51:36 The need for physician supervision of vaccinations - delivered a report that 1/3 of COVID patients will be diagnosed with neuro psychosis and the good news of the Neurocycle technology by Dr. Caroline Leaf

  3. Minute Marker 00:07:51 Importance of dental health for Medicaid participants

  4. Minute Marker 00:23:02 Importance of nutrition and need to evaluate for physical root causes that manifest as psychiatric dysfunction.

  5. Minute Marker 00:26:01 Behavioral health and coming needs due to blood clots and citing to study showing 1/3 of COVID patients will be diagnosed with neuro psychosis and introduction of Neurocycle from Dr. Caroline Leaf

  6. Minute Marker 00:53:46 Thank you to Senator Perry for "holding their feet to the fire".

  7. Minute Marker 00:54:58 Thank you to Senator Hall - illegal aliens should not have special treatment regarding policies - Brief over new diagram

  8. Minute Marker 00:58:22 Thank you to Senator Perry - wait until call back where diagram origination is discussed and evidence of SARS-CoV-2 being a bioweapon - lasts until 1:00:15

March 31, 2021

  1. Minute Marker 1:27:05 Please listen to multiple testimonies before mine regarding the list of vaccine ingredients

  2. Minute Marker 1:41:55 - essential access to in-patient care 

  3. Minute Marker 1:44:16 - lack of access to alternative care in hospitals/organ harvesting - "you become nothing more than livestock"

  4. Minute Marker 2:22:09 Please listen to the lady before my testimony

  5. Minute Marker 2:29:13  WARNING of components contained in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein - HIV / PRRA found in rabies virus and cobra toxin and prion-like structures.

March 23, 2021

  1. Minute Marker 1:49.02 - lack of treatment choice in hospitals

  2. Minute Marker 1:54:04 - access to alternative treatment

  3. Minute Marker 2:11:04 - brain inflammation concern from COVID

  4. Minute Marker 2:15:15 - include therapeutics - harmful protocol for hospital procedures

  5. Minute Marker 2:37:32 - telemedicine - an overload of medical records - CPS case

  6. Minute Marker 2:44:29 - Request for updates from the VAERS reporting system for adverse event and deaths from COVID-19 vaccines

Comments regarding Testimony #6 where Senate HHS Committee was informed of the following requirements which represent public endangerment due to Senate rules required for the public to petition their state Senate representatives. 

  1. Two injections of a COVID-19 vaccine.  On December 14th, US Surgeon Jerome Adams says, "people still need to wear masks and socially distance after they've been vaccinated because it doesn't prevent infection just severe illness."
    Since the vaccines only lessen the severity of serious illness and people can still be infected with SARS-CoV-2 and be able to infect others, why are two shots of a COVID-19 vaccine being considered the equivalent of a negative test?
    Why are government and private businesses proposing a vaccine passport when the vaccines do not prevent infection of self or others?


  2. A negative COVID-19 rapid test result.  The sterile nose swabs required for rapid testing for COVID-19 are sterilized with Ethylene Oxide (EO).

 "In smaller amounts, ethylene oxide is used as a pesticide and a sterilizing agent. The ability of ethylene oxide to damage DNA makes it an effective sterilizing agent but also accounts for its cancer-causing activity."  

Senate staff are often required to test daily with a substance that according to is associated with "Lymphoma and leukemia which are the cancers most frequently reported to be associated with occupational exposure to ethylene oxide. Stomach and breast cancers may also be associated with

ethylene oxide exposure."


      Why are Senate rules requiring Capitol staff and visitors to be subjected to
      a cancer-causing agent being placed up their noses, just to exercise our
      rights to participate in the Texas legislative session?


March 29, 2021 email to Texas Lt. Governor Patrick and Senate Secretary Patsy Spaw regarding nasal swabs containing Ethylene Oxide, a known carcinogen. 

March 17, 2021

  1. Minute Marker: 2:30:39 - Insulin costs and hypoglycemic effects from psychiatric drugs - physical root causes for psychiatric dysfunction - references effect of allergic reactions to chocolate.- see a video of a young boy.

Correction: Texas is spending $200,000 per year per juvenile inmate, incorrectly stated as $80,000 per year in testimony.

March 10, 2021 

  1.  Imelda Garcia, Association Commissioner, DSHS 00:35:02

  2. Dr. John Hellerstedt, MD Commissioner DSHS
    01:49:02   Senator Bob Hall interviews Dr. Hellerstedt regarding gross errors in models regarding projections of death from SARS-CoV-2. 
    02:02:25 discussion regarding therapeutics being made available to the public. 
    02:05:55  Dr. Hellerstedt's response regarding the ability to give the public information regarding over-the-counter therapeutics.

    ​​"the purpose, the mission that we have in that instance was testing, we would refer people to physicians to make decisions on their own individual situation.  The practice of medicine is very complex and what might work or be suitable for one person might not work, might actually be injurious for another person, so that’s really a matter of medical consultation and we really leave that up to the individual and their physician to make that decision.”"


  3. Brint Carlton, Texas Medical Board 2:54:13   See Senator Kolkhorst and Senator Hall questioning,

  4. Dr. Debra Pratt, Texas Medical Association (TMA)  3:23:44  See Senator Hall questioning, "What is TMA position on early ambulatory treatment for COVID".

  5. Dr. Richard Urso, Houston Eye Associates 3:47:32   "I found that nine drugs might work...  Very treatable with hydroxychloroquine...  I realized that this disease had many components... This is not a hard disease  ... it is hard to get past the hierarchy telling you not to do these things."

  6. Dr. Peter McCullough, Internist, Cardiologist, Professor of Medicine Texas A&M School of Medicine 4:4:46

  7. Sheila Hemphill  5:03:36 - Death by Government policies - notice of the content of virus spike protein-containing HIV, PRRA, and prion-like structures.  

Texas House Public Health Committee:

March 24, 2021

  1. Minute Marker  1:49:28 - cut off after 86 seconds of the 3-minute testimony allocation - See COVID-19 - Death by Government Policies for the rest of the story of how federal NIH policy which was echoed by the Texas Medical Association and CDC government policies to prohibit early treatment for a viral infection enabled the virus to replicate and cause conditions to worsen resulting in the need for hospitalization. 

  2. Minute Marker  1:21:27

WFAA Reports referenced in oral testimony:

Senate HHS Dec 7 image.jpg

Click image for link to video of hearing
Highlights from December 7, 2020
Senate Committee on HHS:

Note: Click here for link to partical transcribed notes from hearing.
Transcribed comments may not be word for word in all instances.


Minute Marker 2:49:45
Imelda Garcia, Associate Commissioner, Laboratory and Infectious Disease Services Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin, TX

2:50:45 The Initial supply could be approved in one of two ways. 
It could be fully licensed as a vaccine or more likely it will be licensed for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

- Vaccines under an EUA CANNOT BE MANDATED



2:51:40:  Two doses from the same manufacturer separated by either 21 or 22 days will be required for the individual
to attain immunity from most of the COVID 19 vaccines.

As of December 14, 2020,
Statements regarding vaccines ability to invoke immunization to prevent COVID 19 infections are inaccurate. 

US Surgeon General Jerome Adams Dec 14 -
Below December 15, 2020 screen shot from CDC FAQ page - removed December 17, 2020.
CDC statment - no available vaccines pre

​1:41:34 – Senator Borris Miles, Can you go into any detail of information at this time about the side effects…yes sir the vaccine side effects”

  1. 1:41:53 Larry Schlesinger, Professor/President/CEO(Texas Biomedical Research Institute), San Antonio, TX
    “no I mean, I think the side effects we are most familiar with are local – about 10% to 15% of people, remember these are trials of 30K to 40K people and it’s not the general community – it appears that these vaccines cause at most a local response of swelling and pain in the arm and that we need to educate the community ... I also share concern about people coming back to their second shot if they have had a reaction to the first one.  1:42:28 But with regard to others systemics, some fevers, feeling tired over the first day… this is what we’ve been hearing about and  until the data comes out I would not be able to comment, we certainly don’t know about long lasting effects although the FDA delayed its review until we had 2 months of safety data. 

  2. 1:43:05 Once we open this up to hundred of millions, billions of people there will be efficacy in the general public and how durable the response is, how long will it last.  We can almost anticipate that some people will not have a response adequate for protection and some people will have partial response. 



Source: Weston A. Price Foundation

Participants in every Covid-19 vaccine trial have reported adverse reactions including high fever, chills, muscle pains and headaches. Some have even reported severe reactions that required hospitalization and invasive treatment.(4-6) 

According to the FDA, potential long-term effects may include Guillain-Barré syndrome, brain swelling, muscle weakness and paralysis, convulsions and seizures, stroke, narcolepsy, shock, heart attack, autoimmune disease, arthritis and joint pain, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and death.(7) Some UK health workers have experienced anaphylactic shock after receiving one dose of the approved vaccine.(8)


4.  Jackson LA, Anderson EJ, Rouphael NG et al. An mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 – preliminary report. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;383(20):1920-1931.

5.  Allen A, Szabo L. NIH “very concerned” about serious side effect in coronavirus vaccine trial. Scientific American, September 15, 2020.

6.  Mayer A. Leading COVID vaccine candidates plagued by safety concerns. The Defender, November 13, 2020. .

7.  U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation, slide #16.

8.  Reals T. U.K. warns against giving Pfizer vaccine to people prone to severe allergic reactions. CBS News, December 9, 2020.

Source: NY Times


Alaska Health Workers Got Emergency Treatment After Receiving Pfizer’s Vaccine -


Vaccine manufacturers claim that Covid-19 vaccines are 95 percent “effective,” but the FDA is allowing companies to define effectiveness as “prevention of mild symptoms. " The studies are not designed to detect a reduction in outcomes such as severe illness, hospitalization or death."

October 21, 2020 

An FDA Pfizer briefing paper published December 10, 2020 revealed 43 percent more suspected cases of Covid-19 in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group within seven days of vaccination., page 42.

2:19:15 Dr Matt Leveno Medical Director Parkland MICU and COVID TCU (UT Southwestern) 


Q:  What type of volume are we seeing with influenza?

A:  Zero hospitalizations as of right now. 

2:35:35 James J. McCarthy Chief Physician Executive (Memorial Hermann Health System) Houston, TX

Q: Senator Kolkhorst - What are you seeing in influenza rates:

A: Exceptionally little not aware of any influenza – later confirms -  
6 admissions for flu in October

Following charts of Influenza-like-illnesses by
Texas DSHS from 2015 - 2020

DSHS 2020-2019 comparative of influenza


June 12, 2020 Texas Medical Board (TMB) Clarifies Access To
Ozone Therapy for the Treatment of COVID-19


July 31, 2020 - TMB Press Release TMB clarifies any therapy is available under CAM rules since there is no established "standard of care" approved by the FDA.

Excerpts:  “Both patients and physicians have a right to decide what treatment may be used for COVID-19. The Board does not issue endorsements of the use of any specific drugs or treatments for COVID-19, but any treatment decision must be made with full, proper and accurate disclosure by a physician.
Physicians should refer to laws and Board rules, including those for complementary and alternative medicine, when considering potential treatments and medical decisions regarding COVID-19.”

View TMB video   |  View April 2nd and June 23rd  TRTK Press Releases

Yes, there are treatment options for COVID being successfully used in Italy, China, Spain and many other countries as reported in news articles and medical publications. 


Many therapy success stories have been shared by physicians on social media that we’ve all seen talking about success using:

  1. Hydroxychloroquine the malaria drug
              - (Ivette Lozano, MD - Dallas), 

  2. Budesonide inhalant steroids
              - (Richard Bartlett, MD - Midland - case study, protocol)

  3. Ivermectin​ - Science Direct

  4. Natural substances like:
             - Vitamins A, C, D, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, ozone
               (David Brownstein, MD - West Bloomfield, MI),
             - Melatonin -PubMed,
             - Cannabidiol - PubMed, 
             - Iodine (Edward Group, DC - Houston, TX), etc.  

See Texas Senator, Bob Hall - District 2, interview several doctors who discuss their success with various adjuvant therapies.  

How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways.
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Yes, there are supportive care options for COVID. 

So what's the Problem?

- The Texas Board of Pharmacy put forth emergency board rule §291.30 concerning Medication Limitations on March 20, 2020. 

§291.30.Medication Limitations.

No prescription or medication order for chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, mefloquine, or azithromycin may be dispensed or distributed unless all the following apply:

(1) the prescription or medication order bears a written diagnosis from the prescriber consistent with the evidence for its use;

(2) the prescription or medication order is limited to no more than a fourteen (14) day supply, unless the patient was previously established on the medication prior to the effective date of this rule; and

(3) no refills may be permitted unless a new prescription or medication order is furnished.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the emergency adoption and found it to be within the state agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on March 20, 2020.

This rule expired July 17, 2020. However, there are reports of  pharmacies still refusing to fill physicians prescriptions related to COVID.

So where are the problems?

1. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) -
Posted November 3rd, checked 12/16/20
"Remdesivir is the only Food and Drug Administration-approved drug for the treatment of COVID-19. In this section, the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) provides recommendations for using antiviral drugs to treat COVID-19 based on the available data. As in the management of any disease, treatment decisions ultimately reside with the patient and their health care provider.

Prior to November 3rd the CDC claimed that there is no treatment 

"There are no drugs or other therapeutics presently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Current clinical management includes infection prevention and control measures and supportive care, including supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilatory support when indicated
(Posted April 25st checked 9/8/20)


2. CDC - Antiviral Drugs That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19

         Last Updated: November 3, 2020, checked 2/4/21


See Therapeutic Management of Patients with COVID-19 for recommendations on using remdesivir with or without dexamethasone.

Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine With or Without Azithromycin

The Panel recommends against the use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients (AI).

In nonhospitalized patients, the Panel recommends against the use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in a clinical trial (AI).

The Panel recommends against the use of high-dose chloroquine (600 mg twice daily for 10 days) for the treatment of COVID-19 (AI).

Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Other HIV Protease Inhibitors

The Panel recommends against using lopinavir/ritonavir (AI) or other HIV protease inhibitors (AIII) to treat COVID-19, except in a clinical trial.


The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in a clinical trial (AIII).
NOTE:  Ivermectin is being promoted by:
Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance  |  Prophylaxis & Treatment Protocols for Covid-19

3. National Institute of Health (NIH)-
Posted of August 27, 2020, checked 04/22/21

The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) recommends against the use of any agents for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), except in a clinical trial (AIII).

The Panel recommends against the use of any agents for SARS-CoV-2 post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), except in a clinical trial (AIII).

Note:  The Texas Medical Association (TMA) is supporting this NIH policy.  “The Texas Medical Association, an advocacy group for physicians, recommends against the use of the hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of clinical trials.  It cites the Food and Drug Administration in saying that there are presently no approved treatments for COVID-19.” 

4. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - Cannot advertise services
is sending out warning letters to anyone who puts the words, “prevent, treat and COVID” in the same website, even though Texas law is clear that patients have the right to seek  and physicians have the right to provide alternative therapies.  These rights are also supported by the World Medical Association Ethics Principals #37

5. US Department of Justice (DOJ) -  issue injunctions to halt services 


Why aren’t government efforts going toward offering out-patient supportive care options instead of tracking people?

The $295 million Texas spent on contact tracking technology would go a long way on giving people supportive care options to keep them out of the hospitals. 

Why don’t we treat this infection and get people well rather than locking down businesses, destroying lives and collapsing world economies?

Yes, there are options for COVID!

Let get well, let’s open our churches, our businesses, our schools and start to rebuild from this tragic pandemic.


Yes, Ozone works to treat COVID-19!
Says clinical trials from China, Italy, Spain and Cuba.

learn more ...

August 26, 2020 Cuba, 

"At this meeting, the results of a clinical trial with the use of ozonetherapy by rectal route in patients confirmed with SARS-CoV-2, who had mild and moderate symptoms, were also presented. As detailed by the Doctor of Science Sarahi Mendoza Castaño, Director of Research, Development and Innovation of the National Center for Scientific Research, it was evidenced that "the association of the ozone therapy with the conventional treatment of the COVID-19 increased by 40% the number of patients with negative PCR test on the fifth day".

May 17, 2020 Italy.  The Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) just release a comparative report stating , "Oxygen ozone therapy is a success for Covid-19 in Italy – 94% of non‐intubated and 73% of intubated patients rapidly recover. By comparison, only 20% of NYC’s intubated patients recover at all.   

... In NYC 80% of intubated patients ultimately die [16].  Only 17% of intubated patients on oxygen-­‐ozone therapy died.  Similarly, reports that NYC’s intubated patients average 11-­‐21 days to become extubated.  The oxygen-­‐ozone group’s extubates became so in only 5 days on average.  Click here for report.

No information contained on this site is to be interpreted or implied to be providing legal advice  or medical advice for the "prevention, treatment or cure" of any disease or condition. 

No information is to be considered as a substitute for advice from an attorney or a medical professional. 

Statements made regarding use of the terms, "prevent, treat or cure"  or supportive care  are often based upon reports from national and international clinical studies  and may not been evaluated nor approved  by the FDA.


Groups referenced on this site are not to be interpreted as their endorsement of all views shared.

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