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The Omega Brief

See below for instructions and scripts on how to present The Omega Brief to your local County Commissioners, City Council, School boards, etc.
The Omega Brief - Cover.jpg
The Omega Brief Supplemental documents and links:
  1. ​List of Patents from M·CAM International LLC
  2. Excel of Worldometer COVID stats for the World, USA and Texas
    * To include your state in this document, copy the format of Texas in a new worksheet and enter your state and county information.  The Worldometer does not include population on counties which can be found here:
OmegaMap 102021.jpg
100821 VAERS.jpg

Instructions on how to present The Omega Brief!

See The Omega Brief brilliantly presented in testimony by the Montgomery County truth seekers before the Texas Senate Health and Human Resources Committee on June 27, 2022:

  1. Speaker 1 - 9:32:01 -  Intro of The Omega Brief - Phillips, Cyndie (Self), Magnolia, TX

  2. Speaker 2 - 9:34:33 - Red bar, page 6 sections 23, 25, 30 - Bailey, Sarah Lindley (Self),Spring, TX

  3. Speaker 3 - 9:37:16 -  Red bar, page 7 - May, Catherine  (Self), Magnolia, TX

  4. Speaker 4 - 9:39:08 - Red bar, page 7 - Farris, Deborah   (Self), Conroe, TX

For anyone wishing to present The Omega Brief to your County Commissioners, City Council, School Boards, and County health officials, feel free to download the scripts used above. See link for detailed action methods and please email to register your activities.  We are here to help!

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Statements made regarding use of the terms, "prevent, treat or cure"  or supportive care  are often based upon reports from national and international clinical studies  and may not been evaluated nor approved  by the FDA.


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