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LTGov 2019 Interim Charges.jpg
LTGov 2019 Interim Charges.jpg
Texas Right To Know is soliciting input from medical professionals, lab technologies, medical device manufacturers, and any information regarding innovative, integrative medicine to address issues brought before;
  • the
    Senate Select Committee on Mass Violence and Community Safety
  • the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.per the interim charges.
Excerpts from the Lt. Governor's Interim Charge.

Health Care Costs: Examine the state health and human services finance system including, but not limited to, the following programs and methods of finance: Local Provider Participation Funds, the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program, Medicaid 1115 waivers and Section 1332 State Innovation waivers, Pay for Quality programs, the Quality Incentive Payment Program, and other state and local funding used to finance health care systems in Texas. Identify ways to streamline functions and reduce unnecessarily burdensome and costly requirements in the Texas Medicaid program. Provide recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the state's health and human services system and judicious use of taxpayer dollars.
Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services passed by the 86th Legislature, as well as relevant agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
Specifically, make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, or complete implementation of the following: ...
  • Behavioral health programs, including implementation of the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium (Senate Bill 11), state hospitals, and strategies to address substance abuse and opioid addiction;  
  • Initiatives to reduce Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse, as well as other cost containment strategies; and  
  • Medicaid managed care oversight and accountability.
Help us to educate our legislators regarding state of the art technologies and techniques to address these physical and mental problems affecting our society..
Click image for a presentation outlining the following:
  • Excerpts and comments from the December 4th Senate committee hearing on Mass Violence regarding Mental Illness.
Note - presentation may best be viewed as page view and  turn off scrolling
Mass Violence Thumbnail.jpg
Did You Know
what the "experts" had to say
at the Dec 4, Mass Violence Hearing?
   - Numerous well respected authorities have found no scientific evidence to suggest any causal link between video games and real world violence. 00:03:18;
We disagree.
   -  The American Academy of Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry have extensive citations that there is an association with violent media and violent video games with at risk youth. 03:04:30;
We agree.
- There are 3,000 individuals suffering with "First Episode Psychosis" known as 
the "Enhanced Programming for Early Psychosis”  - (EPEP). 02:00:00;
We didn't know. 
 -  Each EPEP two-year program costs over $28,000 and serves only 750 of the 3,000 individuals.
We didn't know. 
-  The program doesn’t work as a cure – not elimination of the psychosis but treatment of the psychosis. 00:51:14;
We didn't know.
-  It costs the State of Texas $200,000 per 800 juvenile inmate to incarcerate.. 01:24:56.
We didn't know. 
Side Note: Many psychiatric diagnoses are assessed and patients are prescribed drugs  based solely on observations per the Psychiatric DSM-5 Codes.
We want individuals tested for physical root causes that manifest as psychiatric dysfunction prior to psychiatric medication being prescribed and paid for by Texas Medicaid.

No information contained on this site is to be interpreted or implied to be providing legal advice  or medical advice for the "prevention, treatment or cure" of any disease or condition. 

No information is to be considered as a substitute for advice from an attorney or a medical professional. 

Statements made regarding use of the terms, "prevent, treat or cure"  or supportive care  are often based upon reports from national and international clinical studies  and may not been evaluated nor approved  by the FDA.


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