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Capitol Action



10/10/2023 - Special Session


Support SB 7 Testimonies


Sheila Hemphill 

Dawn Richardson

Sheila Hemphill Response to Question


Link regarding JAMA 03/04/2020 Article on Face Masks

When Should a Mask Be Used? 
"Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill."


Middleton | et al.
Relating to prohibiting an employer from adopting or enforcing certain COVID-19 vaccine mandates; authorizing an administrative penalty.


See the TRTK Document delivered to the
Texas Senate Health and Human Resources Committee 



Texas Legislature fails to 




to secure ownership of DNA to

Sovereign Individual  


One Question That Must Be Answered By

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Governor Greg Abbott,
and t
he Texas Legislature:


Are humans whose DNA has been altered from the mRNA COVID-19 injections, as shown in published medical reports, considered chattel property of the patent holders as the current
US Supreme Court Case 


states and as claimed in the federal case
Robert vs Austin in 10th Circuit US Court of Appeals as a violation of the 13th Amendment against slavery?


See Interview at 6:30 minute marker.







Held: "A naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated, but cDNA is patent eligible
because it is not naturally occurring." pg 2,


"It is also possible to create DNA synthetically through processes similarly well known in the field of genetics. One such method begins with an mRNA molecule and uses the natural bonding properties of nucleotides to create a new, synthetic DNA molecule." pg 6,

"all three (judges) agreed that patent claims relating to cDNA
met the patent eligibility requirements." pg 13.


Pub, May 25, 2021 Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues.




4/25/23 Update on the Pfizer case and 
CDC notice for monitoring for Marburg 
- Detail

Summary Deck Card on Pfizer Case - Brief


03/22/23 Legislators delivered Pfizer Motion to Dismiss information showing "Other Transaction Authority" agreement with the United States Department of Defense which" imposes no requirements related to Good Clinical Practices or FDA regulations.  The Pfizer "clinical trials" are "out of scope" and "not related to the agreement." 


Senate HHS committee repeatedly asked to change the bill language from "COVID-19 Vaccines" to "Pandemic Disease treatment or medical procedures."

Documents delivered show excerpts from Pfizer's April 22, 2022
Motion to Dismiss in the Brook Jackson vs. Ventavia whistleblower case and recent March 1, 2023 court transcript. 

Must see:

American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

Militarized Healthcare - Children's Health Defense with Sasha Latypova



Note from Sheila Hemphill regarding 3/22/23 testimonies in Texas Senate HHS Committee: 

"I have been primarily focused on conveying the framework found in federal law and from the 4/22/22 Pfizer Motion to Dismiss court filing evidence that under a d
eclaration by the HHS Secretary of a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern", the following are FACTS - not opinion, or my belief, or a way to look at it - these are FACTS by law and by contract:  See "change the language" Document submitted to the Texas Senate Health and Human Resources Committee on 3/22/23. 


On 3/28/23 US Senator, Ron Johnson's commented, “Today, Democrats defeated my amendment to require Senate ratification for any pandemic agreement with the World Health Organization.  Now we know Democrats are willing to relinquish U.S. sovereignty to a global entity."


Six of the seven bills I testified on (in 2+ minute increments) were on the COVID-19 pandemic issues.  Each bill had language that was specific to COVID-19 and I requested that language be changed to "Pandemic Disease".  Even if these laws get passed, the specificity to COVID-19 would make them useless to protect us from the abuses we are subject to from the "next one".  I mentioned that the next could be Marburg, a hemorrhagic fever-type, illness.


The main "take away" that the committee needed to know is as follows in the excerpts from the "Change the Language"  document delivered to the committee:

Federal laws have been implemented over decades by multiple administrations: See the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program for details.  Under these federal laws:


  1. There are no product safety requirements,

  2. The only requirement for efficacy is a declaration of the federal Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary that an Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) Product, "may be effective." 
    Such that:

    • ​No court shall have subject matter jurisdiction to review any action of the HHS Secretary

    • The authority of state, local and tribal governments and individuals to manage public health emergency and medical countermeasures classification is pre-empted by HHS.

    • There is an extremely limited obligation for HHS to report to Congress on public health emergency status and medical countermeasures classifications, and no authorization for Congress to override HHS declarations, determinations, and decisions.

  3. There are no manufacturing safety requirements,​ therefore we don't really know what's in the shots."

  4. There is no informed consent requirement

  5. There is no consumer fraud because the COVID-19 "vaccine" injections are purchased from the Department of Defense for $19.50 a dose.


Pfizer's Motion to Dismiss in the Brook Jackson vs Ventavia whistleblower case:


Per the "Other Transaction Authority" agreement between the US Department of Defense (DOD) with Pfizer as detailed in their 4/22/2022 Motion to Dismiss. 


  1.  The OTA agreement is not subject to Federal Acquisition Regulations since the whole agreement is a special military structure,

  2. See Screen Shots from the Pfizer MtD can be seen on page 2 of the
    "Change the Language" document.

    "The SOW describes a “large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration” that imposes no requirements relating to Good Clinical Practices (“GCP”) or related FDA regulations. (Am. Compl., Ex. 10 at 1080.) It states explicitly that Pfizer’s “clinical trials” are “out-of-scope,” “not related” to the agreement, and that the relevant studies were undertaken at Pfizer’s expense “without the use of Government funding.”


SEE 3/22/2023 TEXAS SENATE HEARING ON COVID-19 VACCINE RELATE BILLS.  The links below go specifically to Sheila Hemphill's testimony but moving the video before or after are incredible testimonies from Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Gloria Gamboa, MD and Michelle Evans / Texans for Vaccine Choice, Jennifer Bridges, RN, Tom Glass, Jackie Schlegal / Texans for Medical Freedom and many others. 

See side panel for bill descriptions.

SB 301 - Hall / Pharmacy Prescribing

SB 426 - Paxton / Right to Treat

SB 403 - Springer / COVID study
SB 265 - Perry / Reporting

SB 299 - Hall - Primary Physician in hospital

SB 1583 - Hall / Gain of Function



Note from Sheila Hemphill on SB 26 for mental health:  


"Having focused on the DOD and Pfizer Motion to Dismiss information, I only reviewed SB 26 bill by Chair Lois Kolkhorst regarding mental health legislation at 5:30 am before this hearing. With my own very abusive and traumatic experience with mental health "treatment" in 1990, 1991, and 2014, I can experience a PTSD effect of being overstimulated by lights and sounds when mental health bills have hearings.  The continued funding of this gross, broken mental health system and the "professional" view of mental health, in general, being separate from medical conditions literally sends me into a rage.   It's not even a concern for me as I have successfully recovered from a "manic / depression diagnosis" with no medication for 30 years.  My outrage is primarily on behalf of the children and adults who will continue to suffer from physical root causes for their behavioral health issues.  For six years, I have attended public health and HHS hearings to listen to all the "professionals" who think what is needed to improve mental health is more money for more drugs, more treatments, and more counseling, all of which have their place but ignore the physical root causes.  
See Mental Health Poster below,
 first presented at the 2018 Texas Republican Convention in San Antonio.

This PTSD effect is what happened to me at the start of the hearings on 3/22/23, so my testimony on SB 26 is broken and I struggled the whole day with the burden of the truth of the DOD and Pfizer structure that NO ONE MENTIONS IN THE ENTIRE CAPITOL BUT ME!"


Below was a call to action issued after the 3/22/23 hearing, for emails and calls to go to her office, begging her to: 

SB 26- Kolkhorst:  Please amend Sec. 535.004.  USE OF GRANT MONEY.
A grant recipient may use: grant money awarded under this chapter to develop innovative strategies that provide:


   (1)  resiliency;

              (2)  coping and social skills;

              (3)  healthy social and familial relationships; and

              (4)  parenting skills and behaviors.


please amend with:
5. Evaluation, testing, and treatment of physical root causes that can manifest as behavioral health dysfunction.


Please call and mail the office of Senate Health and Human Services chair Lois Kolkhorst main office 512-463-0018 / and the HHS Committee Clerk at 512-463-0360 /


On 3/29/2023, SB 26 was voted out of the committee with no amendment of #5 above despite an appeal to all members of the HHS Committee.


So now we know that  for the children or adults who are  consumed with parasites, have fungus overgrowth, food allergies, heavy metal toxicity,  drug side effectsand/or have their brain on fire from bacterial or viral infections, what they really need are the  "innovative strategies" of:


     (1)  resiliency;

              (2)  coping and social skills;

              (3)  healthy social and familial relationships; and

              (4)  parenting skills and behaviors.


"got it" !


SB 26 -Kolkhorst / mental health  testimony by Sheila Hemphill




SPOTLIGHT: 8/23/22 Texas Senate HHS Committee called to halt the COVID-19 vaccination program  Must see testimony.


See legislation request for:

  1. Sanctity of blood transfusion with excerpts from Died Suddenly and

  2. Halt to the promotion and mandates of products licensed under Emergency Use Authorization with testimony from December 7, 2022 hearing by US Senator Ron Johnson with a panel of physicians, researchers and injured parties.  CLICK HERE FOR HIGHLIGHTS


See State of Our States page.

See testimonies warning Texas Legislators of Marburg Virus Outbreaks 
2/14/23 - USA today, "WHO confirms Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea: What to know about the viral disease"


telegraphed on April 22, 2021, by Bill Gates’ GAVI vaccine initiative in a
published article titled

“The next pandemic: Marburg?”


07/11/22 - Lone Star Shield


"Request for a legislative Lone Star Shield: Implement funding and legislation for the establishment of an oversight committee to protect Texans from unconstitutional international and federal laws."

based upon a forensic review of how our federal laws, outlined in the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program, have been amended under the guise of public health which makes actions that were previously illegal are now legal.  These laws were ramped up in 2005 after the World Health Assembly met and the US developed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) act.  MUST SEE 

07/11/22 Submitted to Senate Finance Committee

06/28/22 - Senate Finance Committee 

06/27/22 - Senate Health and Human Resources -



7/28/22 ALERT -
link to Federal Documents regarding Emergency Declarations, Quarantines etc.



by Dr. Deborah Birx with Trump Administration.


"It is imperative that our Texas Legislators develop laws to protect Texas from rogue, unconstitutional international, and national laws that subject Texans to crimes against humanity. 

The Texas Department of State Health Services and Texas Health and Human Resources agencies choose to follow CDC and NIH guidelines.  There must be an oversight committee to protect against unconstitutional laws being handed down to the states.  This Texas oversight committee must have the power to oppose such constitutional violations rather than following directives from the WHO, CDC, NIH, NIAID, or any other governmental entity who are posed to destroy our sacred rights
of bodily sovereignty as we have evidence of during the COVID-19  Pandemic corruption,"

said Sheila Hemphill, CEO, Texas Right To Know.

Request for legislative Lone Star Shield 

for July 11, 2022 during the Texas Senate Finance Committee.





"It is imperative that a special session be called by the Texas Legislature to grant the Attorney General's office standing to prosecute for election fraud, or Texas is Lost,"


The corruption of our voting system that has historically occurred by all parties. (See Clinton Curtis regarding RNC and Jovan Pullitzer regarding DNC.) 



2. The methodical corruption of our federal laws, which are synchronized with international initiatives for a one-world government, thereby making our ability to stop these crimes through our court system virtually impossible. 
See Katherine Watt's "American Domestic Bioterrorism Program." (ADBP) report.



Resist the divisive chatter on issues of abortion, gender issues, education, vaccines, and even immigration - not that those issues are not important but our focus needs to be on how to stop "THEM".  With the revelations from the ADBP showing that our laws (the deck) are stacked against us, we must seek God's wisdom and direction on how to proceed.

We must educate ourselves and share with others.  The health concerns and all the medical information videos are most critical for our personal protection, however, these two issues above are most critical for any hope to stop these crimes against humanity.

  1. Watch the American Medica Periscope video.

  2. Forward people to this Capitol Action page.

  3. Locate your personal representative.

  4. PDF of Texas legislators' contact information.

  5. Text "Defend" to 855-822-1010 to get registered with TRTK.

  6. Frequent this page for updates and action instructions that are being established.

How can 5g and other frequencies impact our bodies?


Let's ask Stanford University Medicine

Acoustic signals steer heart cells through a gel to form a series of precise patterns. 


This video demonstrates how frequencies can influence human tissue.


American Media Periscope published 6/30/2022. 

In this episode of Making Sense Of the Madness, (MSOM) Katherine Watt presents her research into the legal framework that led to the obliteration of our constitution.  The laws we thought we had, have been superseded such that actions that were once crimes are now legal.


Alexandra Bruce presents some breaking videos with intel into the Arizona election investigation by Jovan Pullitzer.


Example of FDA laws superseding FTC laws


According to the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 41 et seq., “It is unlawful to advertise that a product can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time.”  


How are statements that vaccines are “safe and effective”, with no animal testing, no investigative review board, and no completed trials not a violation of this FTC Act?


Here is how...
There are no required standards for product safety, and only one standard for efficacy: a declaration by the HHS Secretary that a product “may be effective.” Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act, 21 USC 360bbb-3(c)(2)(A). 1997, 2004  (Pg 9 #2 of ADBP).


See ADBP and Death by Government Policy documents. 


See Appellant's Brief filed in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Robert v. Austin case.  This case is on behalf of military personnel pursuing COVID-19 vaccine exemptions represented by attorneys Todd Callender and Andy Schafley.


8/15/22 ALERT - Current Texas law requires Opt-In informed consent for vaccine surveillance and tracking in the state's vaccine registry.  Texas Medical Association is attempting to move to an Opt-Out enrollment which creates a database of all Texans in the registry, not just those who chose to Opt-In to have their personal vaccine information surveilled. 



The following information was delivered to the Texas Senate Committees.


The Omega Brief presents irrefutable patent evidence by Dr. David Martin proving COVID-19 Pandemic collusion.  (See 6/27/22 testimonies below). 


The American Domestic Bioterrorism Program lays out proof that our laws have been systematically and slowly changed by every president, every Congress, and every health and human services secretary over the last 30 years. The report presents irrefutable evidence of how and when the federal laws were established to obliterate the US Constitution and the health and safety laws we believed were being upheld - they are not. 

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts' May 2020 opinion specifically directed all the other federal courts to give complete deference (SUBMISSION) to executive and legislative acts because of the state of emergency.  The federal courts were basically given a stand-down order regarding acceptance of cases pertaining to constitutionality or abuse from any actions taken by anyone under emergency declarations.


For example: In November of 1997, Congress passed two laws within three days of each other, one of them was the FDA Modernization Act, which they passed on November 21.  Three days before that, they passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) fiscal 98.  The NDAA Congress was responding to public outrage about what had happened to military members from the anthrax vaccine campaign in the military during the first Gulf War.  (See Vaccine Syndrome documentary.)




July 11, 2022 - Texas Senate Finance Committee. 

See comments entitled "Lone Star Shield" submitted to the Senate Finance Committee by Sheila Hemphill and her testimony at minute marker 7:29:10 where the report


June 28, 2022 - Texas Senate Finance Committee. 


See comments submitted to the Senate Finance Committee by Sheila Hemphill and her testimony at minute marker 7:29:10 where the report,"American Domestic Bioterrorism Program. Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents and HHS secretaries for treason under 18 USC 2381," by Katherine Watt was delivered to the Committee on the record. 


June 27, 2022 - Texas Senate Health and Human Resources (HHS) Committee - 11 hours


Invited Testimony:

00:00:00 - Texas State Senator, Lois Kolkhorst, Chair of Senate Health and Human Resources Committee

00:07:29 - Texas State Senator, Bob Hall gives an excellent summation of medical practice abuses we have never experienced before.


"We are experiencing an unprecedented insertion of government into our daily lives and the commandeering of medical practices.

Never before have we seen the government step between a patient and doctor and usurp that doctor's right to exercise their conscience, their training, and what they know that patient needs. ... We ended up with more people dying because of the policies the hospitals were following than of COVID itself."

00:13:06 - Cole, Kirk  Deputy Commissioner  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Department of State Health Services), Austin, TX

01:05:31 - Kidd, Nim  Chief (Tx division of emergency management), Austin, TX


05:53:54  - Malone, Robert  MD, MS  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; International alliance of physicians and medical scientists, The Unity Project), Madison, VA

07:12:06  - Palazola, Chris  Director of Operations  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Medical Board), Austin, TX

07:54:39  - McCullough, Peter  Dr  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Dallas, TX


Testimonies of interest by Physicians:

8:17:30  - Bartlett, Richard  MD  (Self), Crane, Tx, TX

8:40:20 - Procter, Brian  Physician  (Self), McKinney, TX

8:52:07  - Immanuel, Stella  MD  (Self), Katy, TX


Testimonies of interest by the Public:


10:05:22. - Hemphill, Sheila  Texas Right To Know Brady, TX

- See Sheila's posters regarding blood clots and mRNA reverse transcribing into cell DNA with written statements to Senate HHS Committee.


9:01:23  - Weisoly, David  Dr.  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; TETAF), The Woodlands, TX

9:05:42  - Gratch, Michael  President: Flow Therapy  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Flow  Therapy), Fort Worth, TX

9:29:17 - Erickson, Helen  Radiology Technologist  (Self), The Woodlands, TX- Radiation Technician Herman Memorial / Breast scans prior to resignation- payments by the hospital - $300 for the first shot - $500 for a second shot - 65% of vaccinated patients had adverse events.


See The Omega Brief brilliantly presented by the Montgomery County truth seekers:

  1. Speaker 1 - 9:32:01 -  Intro of The Omega Brief - Phillips, Cyndie (Self), Magnolia, TX

  2. Speaker 2 - 9:34:33 - Red bar, page 6 sections 23, 25, 30 - Bailey, Sarah Lindley (Self),Spring, TX

  3. Speaker 3 - 9:37:16 -  Red bar, page 7 - May, Catherine  (Self), Magnolia, TX

  4. Speaker 4 - 9:39:08 - Red bar, page 7 - Farris, Deborah   (Self), Conroe, TX

For anyone wishing to present The Omega Brief to your County Commissioners, City Council, School Boards, and County health officials, feel free to download the scripts used above. See link for detailed action methods and please email to register your activities.  We are here to help!

9:41:05 - DeMarsais, Sharon   (Self), The Woodlands, TX

9:43:42 - Orebaugh, Tina  (Self), Montgomery, TX 
9:46:20 Carroll, Tami  Healer  (Self), Montgomery, TX  "no funding will go to the artificial kidney until everyone is vaccinated," says Anthony Fauci's wife, then she laughed.


Please continue to watch the wonderful crew from the DFW area.


10:16:05 - Montoya MD, Steve  Doctor  (Self), San Angelo, TX

10:20:18 - Long, Matt   (Self; Fredercksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX

10:29:34 -  Smith, Angela   (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party), Fredericksburg, TX


10:32:28 - Carlile, Carolyn  Educator  (Self), Waco, TX, "You teach these children to trust God, and they have a savior.  That's what releases their fear, that what brings them joy in their heart, they don't need a mask."   Please listen to the end of the comments of the committee.


May God bless our faithful Senators: 
Lois Kolkhorst, Charles Perry ,and Bob Hall were present during the majority 11 hours of testimony. 


June 22, 2022 - Texas Senate Special Committee to Protect All Texans Committee. 

See Mental Health is Physical Materials emphasizing the need to evaluate for physical root causes exhibiting as mental illness.  See the Functional Medicine TRTK page and video of little boy's allergic reaction to chocolate which demonstrates how physical root causes can manifest as psychiatric dysfunction.  See Sheila's plea to evaluate for physical root causes and implement frequency therapeutics.


Updates from the TX GOP Convention:

The following items were amended or added to the Texas Republican Party Platform. 
Thanks to the support of donations to Texas Right To Know (TRTK) the following is a brief on the distribution of materials and accomplishments.  The following delegates and alternates for their work resulting in the ...


Distribution of Materials:

  1. Over 700 rack cards regarding The Omega Brief

  2. Over 100 "Is SARS-CoV-2 Virus Spike Protein Architecture a Bioweapon?" Poster 

  3. Amendment to plank 41. Reduce Business Regulations: g. Use of hemp as an agricultural commodity per Coleman Hemphill / SD 28 / Brady.

  4. Amendment to plank 219. Inviolability of Life and Fundamental Right to Life: "We respect the uniqueness of human life and oppose practices which corrupt human DNA, mix human and animal DNA, or other trans-humanist initiatives that do not respect the sanctity and uniqueness of human life. All humans are endowed by their creator with sovereign rights of ownership of their person and DNA, regardless of any DNA modification, and claims to the contrary are invalid," per John Lockridge / SD 9 / Dallas and Sheila Hemphill / SD 28 / Brady.

  5. New plank 182. Gain-of-Function Accountability: We call for the banning of gain-of-function research in Texas, which makes a naturally occurring pathogen more deadly or more infective. We support investigations and indictments of those who participate in funding, developing, introducing, or releasing gain-of-function pathogens per Beth Biesel / SD 12 / Dallas.


Items of Interest:

The Omega Brief

SARS-Cov-2 is a Bioweapon - Poster

Virus and Vaccine Side Effects

Mass Violence December 2019

Functional Medicine



SB 2086 Kolkhorst DNA (11 × 17 in) (12 × 18 in).jpg
Blood Clots Associated with COVID-19 Infection and from COVID-19 Vaccines (2).jpg
Sars V7.jpg
100821 VAERS.jpg
Clayton-Treatments Functional .jpg
Corona funds Poster.jpg



COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:   8:00 AM, Wednesday, April 26, 2023 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Lois Kolkhorst 



The committee will meet to consider the following:


HB 624         Harris, Cody | et al.    SP: Birdwell
Relating to emergency medical transport by fire fighters of certain patients.

HB 728         Rose                    SP: Zaffirini
Relating to the statewide interagency aging services coordinating council.

HB 793         Noble | et al.           SP: Paxton
Relating to the selection and reimbursement of certain persons providing services required under a service plan filed by the Department of Family and Protective Services.

SB 1150        Menéndez | et al.       
Relating to prior authorization for prescription drug benefits related to the treatment of chronic and autoimmune diseases.

SB 1220        Zaffirini              
Relating to group health benefit plan coverage for early treatment of first episode psychosis.

SB 1285        Johnson                
Relating to newborn or infant testing for congenital cytomegalovirus.

SB 1619        Perry                  
Relating to the determination of prescription drug reimbursement amounts under the Medicaid vendor drug program.

SB 1667        Parker                 
Relating to newborn screening.

SB 1723        Paxton                 
Relating to the backdating of referrals for certain managed care health benefit plans.

SB 1871        Hughes                 
Relating to the creation of the Texas Empowerment Account pilot program for assisting certain recipients of public benefits in achieving self-sufficiency.

SB 2086        Kolkhorst              
Relating to a property right in DNA; providing injunctive relief and a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.

SB 2143        Parker                 
Relating to the eligibility for and access to certain Medicaid waiver programs, including the medically dependent children (MDCP) and the Texas home living (TxHmL) waiver programs.

SB 2548        Middleton              
Relating to the procedures for the removal of certain children in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.

SJR 66         Hall                   
Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right of individuals to refuse medical treatments and to access public accommodations.




MARCH 22, 2023




COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:   8:30 AM, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Lois Kolkhorst 



The committee will meet to consider the following:


SB 25          Kolkhorst | et al.      
Relating to support for nursing-related postsecondary education, including scholarships to nursing students, loan repayment assistance to nurses and nursing faculty, and grants to nursing education programs.

SB 26          Kolkhorst | et al.      
Relating to local mental health authority and local behavioral health authority audits and mental and behavioral health reporting, services, and programs.

SB 52          Zaffirini               
Relating to the right of state hospital patients to designate an essential caregiver for in-person visitation.

SB 177         Middleton | et al.      
Relating to informed consent before the provision of certain medical treatments involving COVID-19 vaccination.

SB 265         Perry | et al.          
Relating to required reports of certain vaccine-related or drug-related injuries and adverse events.

SB 299         Hall                     
Relating to health care services provided at a hospital by a physician who is not a member of the hospital's medical staff and the hospital's liability for health care services provided by such a physician.

SB 301         Hall                     
Relating to prescribing, dispensing, administering, or otherwise providing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine sulfate.

SB 403         Springer                 
Relating to a study on the side effects, adverse reactions, including death, and the effectiveness of vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) or its variants.

SB 426         Paxton                   
Relating to patient access to prescription drugs for off-label use for COVID-19 treatment.

SB 1024        Kolkhorst               
Relating to preventative health care and public health; authorizing a civil penalty.

SB 1583        Hall                     
Relating to prohibiting institutions of higher education or entities receiving public funds from conducting gain of function research on potentially pandemic pathogens in this state; creating a civil penalty.

MARCH 20, 2023

COMMITTEE:    Public Health 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Monday, March 20, 2023 

PLACE:       JHR 120 
CHAIR:       Rep. Stephanie Klick 


The chair may limit testimony time and the number of testifying witnesses to ensure consideration of posted and pending business, especially if testimony would cause the public hearing to extend into the next calendar day.




HB 44          Swanson | et al.                                       
Relating to provider discrimination against a Medicaid recipient or child health plan program enrollee based on immunization status.

HB 81          Harrison | et al.                                      
Relating to informed consent before the provision of certain medical treatments involving COVID-19 vaccination.

HB 1106        Goodwin                                               
Relating to the training of and the provision of acupuncture services by an acudetox specialist.

HB 1313        Burrows | et al.                                       
Relating to a study on the side effects, adverse reactions, including death, and the effectiveness of vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) or its variants.

HB 1890        Jetton                                                
Relating to the operation of a hospital at home program by certain hospitals; authorizing a fee.

HB 1998        Johnson, Julie                                         
Relating to the regulation of physicians and the disciplinary authority of the Texas Medical Board.

HB 2726        Klick                                                 
Relating to the practice of nursing, including disciplinary procedures of the Texas Board of Nursing; authorizing a fee.

HB 2767        Klick                                                 
Relating to the sharing of controlled substance prescription monitoring information between the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and the Health and Human Services Commission for the state Medicaid program.

For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person witness registration, can be found here:


A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here:






JUNE 27, 2022

COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Service

TIME & DATE:   10:00 AM, Monday, June 27, 2022 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Lois Kolkhorst 


Public Health Data: Review the processes for public health data collection and coordination by local and state entities as well as regional trauma centers. Identify any continuing barriers to the real-time dissemination of data concerning health care facility capacity-including data that can expedite timely care-and morbidity rates, as well as other information that can assist in public policy decisions.


Pandemic Response: Examine the impact of state and federal pandemic policies-including agency guidance, licensing and regulatory actions, and health care industry policies-on patient care and treatment delivery. Examine how regulatory guidance impacts the patient-doctor relationship. Recommend any changes needed to ensure Texas can develop its own data-driven guidance during public health emergencies.


Public testimony is limited to 2 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Committee during the hearing.


JUNE 21, 2022 - Link

COMMITTEE:     To Protect All Texans, Special 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Tuesday, June 21, 2022 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Robert Nichols 


The Committee will hear invited and public testimony on the following areas:


·                School Safety

·                Police Training

·                Social Media


JUNE 22, 2022 - Link

The Committee will hear invited and public testimony on the following areas:


·                Mental Health

·                Firearm Safety

Clayton-Treatments - Physical Root Causes Screen Shot 11 x 17.jpg

See 1291 COVID-19 "Adverse Events of SPECIAL  INTEREST" on pg 30 that Pfizer knew about on February 28, 2021.


Texas Right To Know at the Texas Republican Party Convention in Houston.

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No information is to be considered as a substitute for advice from an attorney or a medical professional. 

Statements made regarding use of the terms, "prevent, treat or cure"  or supportive care  are often based upon reports from national and international clinical studies  and may not been evaluated nor approved  by the FDA.


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